Physio:Pilates Balham

Specialist Physio:Pilates Balham

“Change happens through movement and movement heals” – Joseph Pilates.

Over the years Joseph Pilates’ key principles and exercises have been modified to support rehabilitation and enhance sports and athletic health. Reform’s Clinical Pilates is led by an experienced team of Pilates-trained Physiotherapists, with all sessions using a combination of full studio apparatus including our namesake, the reformer, as well as mat work. We offer individual 1:1 sessions and group sessions to facilitate your active recovery, with the option to progress into our dynamic classes run by our instructors.
“All sessions are tailored to each client to target their specific health needs and then adapted to suit individual goals and Pilates ability” – Emma Law, Chartered Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor & Reform Founder.

What we offer

Pilates Initial assessment

All clients are assessed by a Physiotherapist before they can join a class or book a 1:1 session. This enables us to create a goal-focused treatment plan targeting your specific needs. From this assessment you and your Physiotherapist will discuss you joining one of the following sessions:

Private 1:1 Physio Pilates

Our 1:1 sessions are individually tailored to incorporate mat work and machine-based exercises, as well as access to Physiotherapy treatments if and/or when needed. Your studio sessions will be followed up with an at-home exercise programme to maximise the potential to achieve your goals.

Semi-private 3:1 Physio Pilates class

Our 3:1’s have more of a class feel but you will still benefit from a Physiotherapist’s expert knowledge and hands-on instruction. Each participant follows individually-selected exercises incorporating both machine-based and mat work Pilates.

Ready To Get Started?

If you have any questions you can get in touch on 0203 645 1490 or If you would like to book a class or appointment then you can book online below!


Having felt very unfit due to lack of exercise I started with Emma some weeks ago to improve flexibility and strength and am loving getting my body moving more. Also I feel so secure and comfortable with the workout programme Emma chooses which is nicely challenging for my fitness level and makes me feel much better from week to week!! Just what I needed.


Since I started working with Emma Law my lifts have improved to the point where I am considering record attempts in my weight and age category, so Pilates works for powerlifting! Thanks Emma.


Emma was excellent in helping me get strong enough to ski again after a complicated knee fracture. She is extremely knowledgeable, encouraging and positive. She worked with me in the gym and tailor-made an exercise plan to work on. I am back enjoying skiing! Thanks Emma!.

Pippa Meares

Pilates sessions with Emma have completely changed the way I move! My posture has improved, i'm more toned and a recurrent back/neck problem has all but disappeared. I highly recommend Emma's excellent classes.

N. H

Three years ago, at the age of 57, I decided to take up Pilates to help my body to move more freely and I am so glad that I found Emma who has been an amazing teacher, fully understanding my limitations and successfully working with me to improve my flexibility, core strength and posture.

F. G

I initially sort treatment to manage severe chronic neck pain from Cervical spondylitis. I was also due for a knee replacement, both degenerative conditions. Emma is highly skilled in the precise attention to the details of rehabilitation. Her ability to focus intently on 3 clients with different health issues in the same session is constant. It is that energetic approach that has resulted in my ability to build strength and to retain overall function. My neck pain has reduced considerably and I was able to recover from the knee surgery rapidly.

P. A
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